Make Informed and Strategic Decisions with the Help of an Experienced NYC Shareholder Dispute Attorney

Disputes between the owners of a business can disrupt business operations and threaten the business’s viability as a going concern. As a result, when these disputes arise, it is essential to target an efficient resolution that duly protects not only the business’s shareholders but also its clients or customers. Engaging an experienced NYC shareholder dispute attorney is the first step toward achieving a favorable resolution that allows everyone to move on.

NYC shareholder dispute attorney Daniel Knox has extensive experience representing clients in these types of matters. If you are facing a shareholder dispute in New York City, he can help you make informed and strategic decisions, and he can represent you in all necessary dispute resolution proceedings. Mr. Knox regularly represents clients in settlement negotiations, mediation, arbitration, and litigation, and he can use his experience to help you resolve and move on from your dispute as efficiently as possible.

Important Considerations for Shareholder Disputes in New York City

Due to their potential implications, shareholder disputes require a forward-thinking approach and a resolution strategy custom-tailored to the circumstances at hand. This is true whether your ultimate goal is to save the business or sever your relationship with your fellow shareholders.

Shareholder disputes present a variety of potential issues, and when facing a dispute, the shareholder agreement is the first place to look for guidance. Regardless of your ultimate goal, it will be necessary to examine the shareholder agreement to see what it says about issues including:

  • Shareholder Rights and Obligations – In many (but not all) cases, shareholder disputes can be resolved by ensuring that all parties accurately understand their respective rights and obligations.
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) – Many shareholder agreements contain mandatory ADR provisions that require shareholders to pursue mediation or arbitration (or both) before going to court.
  • Remedies – Many shareholder agreements contain provisions that limit or specify the remedies that are available to the shareholders in the event of a dispute as well.
  • Valuation – When it is in one or more shareholders’ best interests to part ways, the shareholder agreement’s valuation provisions (if any) will play a key role in determining the shareholders’ respective financial rights.
  • Dissolution – Shareholder agreements also frequently contain provisions that call for dissolution (or provide guidelines for dissolution) in the event of an impasse. These provisions will play a central role in many shareholder disputes.

These are just a small sampling of the issues that can (and often will) arise in shareholder disputes. To ensure that you are considering all pertinent issues and moving forward with full knowledge of the information you need to make sound decisions, contact us to schedule an appointment with NYC shareholder dispute attorney Daniel Knox today.

Schedule an Appointment with NYC Shareholder Dispute Attorney Daniel Knox

Contact us today to schedule an appointment with NYC shareholder dispute attorney Daniel Knox. We will arrange for you to speak with Mr. Knox in strict confidence as soon as possible.