Experienced NYC Quiet Title Lawyers for Residential and Commercial Real Estate Ownership Disputes

In New York City, a quiet title action determines legal ownership of a piece of residential or commercial real estate when two or more parties claim competing interests. Like other real estate-related disputes, quiet title actions are complex—and often highly contentious—so experienced legal representation is critical. Our NYC quiet title lawyers have extensive experience handling these matters on behalf of our clients. If you are facing an ownership dispute, our lawyers can fight to protect your interests in court.

Common Issues in NYC Quiet Title Actions

Various issues can lead to disputes regarding residential or commercial real estate ownership in New York City. These include administrative errors, unrecorded transactions, unresolved claims, contract disputes, and other issues that call (or arguably call) the ownership of a piece of property into question. At Knox Law Group, our practice involves representing clients in quiet title actions involving:

  • Errors and omissions in the chain of title
  • Unrecorded deeds and transfers
  • Disputes regarding the validity of property deeds
  • Disputes with prior owners
  • Disputes with prior owners’ heirs and beneficiaries
  • Disputes arising out of partitions and sales
  • Boundary disputes
  • Easement disputes
  • Lienholder claims
  • Adverse possession claims
  • Fraudulent transfers
  • Transfers involving divorces and separations

These are just examples. If you are facing a dispute regarding ownership of a piece of residential or commercial real estate in New York City for any reason, our lawyers can assess your legal rights and help you evaluate the options you have available. As warranted, we can initiate a quiet title action on your behalf or defend against a quiet title action disputing your ownership interest in the subject property.

Pursuing (or Defending Against) a Quiet Title Action in New York City

If you need to quiet title to a piece of property, it is best to take action promptly; the same is true if you are facing an action to quiet title to a piece of property that you own. With our NYC quiet title lawyers’ experience in this area, we can get to work immediately advising and representing you, and we can pursue all appropriate claims or defenses in the New York courts on your behalf. At the end of the process, you should have a clear and final resolution—and you should be able to rely on this resolution as you move forward with using or selling your property.

Contact the NYC Quiet Title Lawyers at Knox Law Group

If you need to know more about pursuing or defending against a quiet title action in New York City, we invite you to get in touch. Our NYC quiet title lawyers can explain everything you need to know. To schedule a confidential initial consultation at Knox Law Group, contact us today.